ClinTrial Networks Services
Matching quality sites with CRO and Sponsor projects is what CTN does best thus saving time and money for the CDA and FQ process.
CTN is not an SMO and all CROs and Sponsors contract directly with investigative sites for startup activities. Patient recruitment and retention is a key bottle neck in the Industry so our trial centers have spent years building their database for patients that are research naïve. We also represent large minority group patients that don’t have access to healthcare coverage.
We also have the ability to help large minority groups who don’t have access to healthcare coverage. We have Urgent Care Centers across the USA who provide research coverage and or treatment options to those who don’t have medical insurance.
109 Clifton Downs Road
Herron Western Australia 6211
+614 884 04412
+614 884 04412
+614 884 04412